Contact Us!

Two hands holding fresh vegetables against a background of growing plants.

Contact Us!

Two hands holding fresh vegetables against a background of growing plants.

Decorative image of flowers being held by two hands with hummingbirds drinking nectar out of them.
Decorative image of ranchers with cows in a paddock.Young man in a hat standing in a tall field. He is holding an orange pepper up to the camera.A man tilling a field

Contacts for Local Food Producers

If you are a local food producer and are unsure where to start or need technical assistance, contact:

Alena Paisano, Approved Supplier Director at New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association

Michael Ventcinque, Value Chain Coordinator at New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association

Contacts for Institutions (Preschool, Schools, and Senior Centers)

If you are a school or senior center, you can contact us at:

Aaron Nathaniel Moore, MCRP, NM Grown Program Coordinator at the Public Education Department (PED)

Ophelia Steppe, NM Grown contact at the Aging and Long Term Services Department (ALTSD)

Loren Miller at the Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD)

Contacts for Food Banks

If you are a food bank, you can contact us at:

Bonnie Murphy, Food Depot Local Food Procurement Specialist

Meredith Lorencz, Food Depot Local Food Procurement Specialist

    Alyssa J. Pearson, New Mexico Department of Agriculture, Ag Marketing Specialist

    Bryan Crawford-Garrett, New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association Director of Food Systems Initiatives

    Contact for the NM Grown Coalition

    For general inquiries or to learn more about the NM Grown Coalition, please email: [email protected].