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Approved Supplier Program

The NM Grown Approved Supplier Program is designed to grow and diversify the base of New Mexico producers selling to schools and other institutions. The Approved Supplier Program helps ensure that fresh produce that moves through schools, early child care facilities, and senior centers is safe, traceable, and comes from a garden or farm using sound and current food safety practices. The program also helps connect statewide farmers and buyers to streamline internal purchasing processes.

Last updated on Thursday, December 19, 2024 

Note: This list is updated quarterly and as needed to reflect the various products and availability from all of our Approved Suppliers. The list is subject to change based on product availability, growing season, and other conditions that may affect farm and/or ranch operation.

Key Terms

  • Produce+ Vendor: A Produce+ Vendor is an Approved Supplier that is able to sell the following categories of New Mexico Grown products: Fruits and Vegetables, Nuts, Grains, Legumes, and Minimally processed foods.
  • Meat Vendor: A Meat Vendor is an Approved Supplier that is able to sell meat products, including beef, bison, lamb/mutton, and pork products.
  • Type of Operation: For Produce+ Vendors, the Type of Operation is either Farm or Hub (see Food Hub definition below). For Meat Vendors, the Type of Operation can be: Producer, Producer Collective, Processor, or Distributor.
  • Food Hub: A Food Hub is a centrally located facility with a business management structure facilitating the aggregation, storage, processing, distributions, and/or marketing of locally/regionally produced food products.
  • Meat Processor: A Processor is a USDA-inspected meat facility that provides the following types of services to meat producers: slaughtering, cleaning, grinding, packaging, and labeling.
  • Distributor: A Distributor provides safe transportation of products to a buyer.
  • Allowable Products List: The Allowable Products List provides the detailed list of products that New Mexico Grown buyers can purchase, along with any specifications for particular products. The List is separated into two tabs: Produce+ for all Fruits & Vegetables, Nuts, Grains, Legumes, and Minimally processed foods; and Meat for all meat products. Please see "Information for Produce+ and Meat Vendors" and "Information for Buyers" number 3 for details related to ordering products.


  1. The New Mexico Approved Supplier Program information provided in this spreadsheet is for the puposes of expanding New Mexico vendor sales to schools, senior centers, preschools, and emergency food sites, and is not allowed for other unintended uses.
  2. Specific to meat, please note that all meat vendors on this list have self-attested that the products sold through the program will be slaughtered and/or processed at a Federal or State (future) Inspected facility and that safe transportation of products will be ensured to the end market. It is the buyer's responsibility to work directly with vendors to ensure these food safety requirements are met.